Welcome to NIE, the most professional and personal IME Company in the field of medical expert witness consulting.  We embrace your IME referrals.

Most Attorneys and Claims Professionals today simply don't have the time and resources to spend researching the proper physicians and scheduling Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs). With your demanding workload, why not let our IME service company, who has years of experience in the IME field handle this burden for you?

We have several IME physicians, who are practicing, Board Certified, in good standing, and with excellent credentials that have been cross-referenced with the State Boards of Education. Many experts have subspecialties, prestigious affiliations including teaching appointments, and have been published. Some have served as chief residents, and others are credited with the leading articles in their field. All perform comprehensive exams with integrity.

The level of service provided to our clients is outstanding and the fees associated with the IME are often lower than what you would expect to pay for the physician directly.  Each case is treated individually and with an understanding of the complexities and issues presented, whether they involve venue restrictions, deadlines, or credentials of experts.  In a Liability case, you get one chance, so the IME report must be precise from the beginning. You can rely on NIE staff to use our expertise when proofreading your reports.

Our IME Reports are distinguished by the following:

  • Reports are generated by physicians.
  • When requested, reports are addressed directly to your company or representative.
  • Reports contain a history section as stated by the claimant during the examination.
  • Reports contain a detailed review of all medical and legal records.
  • Reports contain an objective examination of the claimant.
  • Reports state the alleged injuries upon which the case is based.
  • The questions presented on the cover letter are answered by the physician on the basis of the case.
  • Reports are signed by the IME physician.

Careful attention is given to make sure our physicians evaluate the mechanics of injury, the quality of the history, as well as test for symptom magnification, malingering, or embellishment.

For more information contact our office at 937-687-6123 or evals@nienational.com.


                                                                                “OUR OPINION COUNTS”